Vaccines help protect you and your families.
Vaccines help protect you and your families.
Vaccination is one of the best ways parents can protect infants, children and teens from 16 potentially harmful diseases. Vaccine-preventable diseases can be very serious, may require hospitalization, or even be deadly - especially to infants and young children. - CDC
Vaccination Policy:
We strongly support and follow the vaccination guidelines of the American Academy of Pediatrics. Vaccines play a critical role in disease prevention within our communities. For children who are unvaccinated "the consequences may include-contracting the illness the vaccine is designed to prevent (the outcomes of these illnesses may include one of more of the following: certain types of cancer, pneumonia, illness requiring hospitalization, death, brain damage, paralysis, meningitis, seizures, and deafness; other severe and permanent effects from these vaccine-preventable diseases are possible as well), as well as, transmitting the disease to others (including those too young to be vaccinated or those with immune problems), possible requiring their child to stay out of child care or school and requiring someone to miss work to stay home with their child during disease outbreaks." - AAP
We, at Mendon Pediatrics, believe there is a distinct obligation to the families we serve to ensure that we are doing everything possible to keep children safe and healthy. At the foundation of this, is our commitment to safe and effective vaccination against preventable diseases. Therefore, effective 05/01/2023 all new patients of Mendon Pediatrics, PLLC will be required to adhere to the AAP endorsed vaccination schedule and will be required to sign an acknowledgement of this new policy at their first visit.
Thank you.